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M4 selector switch not "clicking" well


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Old April 29th, 2009, 15:41   #1
Ace of Spades©
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M4 selector switch not "clicking" well

I'm not the best with internals, so I don't know really what's wrong with this. The selector switch on my M4 does not really click when moving into each position, just sort of turns.

Is this because my selector plate is worn down? Does it need changing?
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Old April 29th, 2009, 15:45   #2
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does it at least get resistance when on semi? or does it go right past it with zero resistance? And how old is the lower reciever, also, plastic or metal?
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Old April 29th, 2009, 16:03   #3
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If it used to be "clicky" and isn't any more (more of a silent, barely stops/registers) you can disassemble the rifle so you can get right at the selector.

1. Make sure the screw on the inside is tight. The lever should still travel smoothly, but if it's loosened off it'll lose some of it's clicky-ness.

2. You can take the selector off and examine the spring loaded nub under it. Some selectors have a simple spring and ball bearing. Others have a spring and a plastic plunger. Some have the plunger/spring trapped under a tiny cover plate.
- if the ball bearing is missing (or you just dropped it and can't find it...LOL) won't get any click until you find a replacement.
- if the plastic nub is worn down so much that it's basically gone...either find a replacement (good luck!) or sub in a ball bearing (good luck).
- if the spring/nub is trapped with a plate...and it's worn right off to buy a new selector lever.

3. Check the little indent holes on the body. There should be a hole for each of the positions. With a lot of use...a groove can form that stops things from being clicky.
- take a tiny small drill bit and, by hand, spin the bit a little to deepen the hole. You don't need to do much, just clean up each spot.

4. Reinstall the selector lever and test (don't need the whole thing put together to test the clicky-ness)...this is your last chance to adjust it before it's all reassembled. If the lever is really've over tightened the screw inside, adjust as necessary. Blue Loctite is a nice touch.

NOTE: Some selectors are just not clicky to begin with. CA MP5's are mushy, all three of the Hurricane 416's I've seen have barely any registration points...

Have fun,

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Old June 16th, 2009, 01:05   #4
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If the little nub is worn down, you can take it and the spring out, shove a very small amount of something in there to shim the spring and nub farther out, to renew the click!
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