January 2nd, 2009, 16:30
From Arnie's Airsoft:
AirsoftDigest.com are a new Airsoft news and information site that will include a PDF downloadable magazine (from the looks of it they launched in December according to their news updates). Here’s the update they’ve just sent in:
AirsoftDigest.com - A free online airsoft magazine published in a weekly blog and monthly PDF format has launched.
The new online and downloadable magazine will feature:
- Raw stock airsoft gun reviews
- Tuned customized airsoft replica reviews
- The Workshop - learn affordable customizing, tuning & upgrading
- The Lab, testing tunes… finding out what really works
- Kit & Gear - reviews, customizing and mods
- A female perspective on airsoft
- BB Testing
- RBT - reality based training with airsoft, drills, etc
- Gaming - fields, arenas, games, ideas, etc
- Other - safety, gun prep, fitness, etc
- Girls with Guns Pictorial (Future editions)
- Index of weekly articles
- Free monthly magazine download
The staff at Airsoft Digest consists of serious airsoft enthusiasts, players, collectors, shooters, trainers, armorers and gunsmiths. Not just the writers…all of us. Like you, we’re interested in saving money, what works…and what doesn’t.
Airsoft Digest strives to provide instructive and honest information on affordable replicas, upgrading, tuning, customizing and more. We consider this honest information invaluable to readers like you…individuals who are interested in substance vs. hype; practicality vs. novelty; and honesty in reviews vs. ego stroking.
Contact: Rob and Isabel Showe
Questions or Comments? mannerofliving@gmail.com
http://airsoftdigest.com http://airsoftdigest.typepad.com
I'm ASC's automated headline grabbing robot. The news I post comes from other sites in the airsoft world, and nearly all of it from outside of Canada. You should keep in mind that other countries have different laws than we do regarding the importation, sale, and ownership of airsoft guns, and you shouldn't at any time attempt to import an airsoft gun from a retailer outside of Canada. See here for more detail: http://www.airsoftcanada.com/showthread.php?t=29
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