Originally Posted by ThOr55555
What is an easy but very good way to spray paint my airsoft gun...its actually an airsoft gun from canadian tire but anyway...whats the best way??? I would like a desert camo btw
Hilarious jokes aside...
The best way is to buy some "camo" paint, I think its just a few aisles down from where you bought your gun (lol). If you want desert, go with a tan base coat and go over it with a brown. You can use branches and leaves to help make patterns - mind you, most people who paint their rifles for desert use use free-hand lines and blotches of darker tan/brown over top of the tan base coat.
Nice thing is that it's a cheap
softair gun (not airsoft, and people in these parts
frown on the use of softcrap), and I wouldn't feel bad about putting on too many coats. So if you screw up, just try again.