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RED-DOT - the one to buy


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Old July 15th, 2006, 10:53   #1
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RED-DOT - the one to buy


at they have knock off accessories for the real steel at airsoft prices.

the red dot is better quality than the airsoft stuff.

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Old July 15th, 2006, 10:54   #2
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Old July 15th, 2006, 11:26   #3
airsoft gun accuracy is really poor, and most knock-off airsoft products are very good quality.
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Old July 15th, 2006, 11:32   #4
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I've been using a Tasco 35mm Red Dot sight on my MP5 the past two years, never had any problems with it at all and has always worked, even though abused at times. For a $35 RDS............. that's pretty damn good!
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Old July 21st, 2006, 18:49   #5
RC Collins
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Originally Posted by Droc
airsoft gun accuracy is really poor, and most knock-off airsoft products are very good quality.
I find AEG accuracy about as good as a real steal pistol, both for accuracy and effective range. I know for sure, the accuracy is far better than any paintball gun!. So anyway, in that way, a red dot site is perfect for AEG's I believe. I'm getting one for my TMAK47. I see "Crossman" ones at Canadian Tire for $20. Anyone get one of these? if so, do you get what you pay for... being so cheap? :salute:
Max Hardcore rocks! :twisted:
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Old July 21st, 2006, 19:01   #6
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Originally Posted by RC Collins
Originally Posted by Droc
airsoft gun accuracy is really poor, and most knock-off airsoft products are very good quality.
I find AEG accuracy about as good as a real steal pistol, both for accuracy and effective range. I know for sure, the accuracy is far better than any paintball gun!. So anyway, in that way, a red dot site is perfect for AEG's I believe. I'm getting one for my TMAK47. I see "Crossman" ones at Canadian Tire for $20. Anyone get one of these? if so, do you get what you pay for... being so cheap? :salute:
hahahahahahahaha. I take it you have NEVER shot a real gun before... or even a .177/.22 pellet gun for that matter.
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Old July 22nd, 2006, 02:51   #7
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Going with anything not brand name implies risk. There's a reason cheap knockoffs don't have warranties. Burris is reputed to be great value, warranty, and performance. The cheapest dot sights that function are meant for use at a range, occasionally. Repeated long-term use subject to bumps, temperature changes, humidity, even submersion and occasional dropping, you want quality. And you know it's quality if there's a warranty.

As well, higher quality optics are more forgiving with parallax, and the mounting attaching the optic has to be rock-solid and not loosen up.

Of course, you get what you pay for but there's diminishing returns when you get to the very top of the line.
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Old July 22nd, 2006, 04:49   #8
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i find the acog scope to be very good
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Old July 22nd, 2006, 10:08   #9
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Originally Posted by RC Collins
Originally Posted by Droc
airsoft gun accuracy is really poor, and most knock-off airsoft products are very good quality.
I find AEG accuracy about as good as a real steal pistol, both for accuracy and effective range. I know for sure, the accuracy is far better than any paintball gun!. So anyway, in that way, a red dot site is perfect for AEG's I believe. I'm getting one for my TMAK47. I see "Crossman" ones at Canadian Tire for $20. Anyone get one of these? if so, do you get what you pay for... being so cheap? :salute:
Considering that a real pistol can shoot in the same hole at 25 meters, your statement is severely uninformed.
You do get what you pay for.
You really should read some more about this sport...
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Old July 22nd, 2006, 22:41   #10
RC Collins
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Originally Posted by Greylocks
Originally Posted by RC Collins
Originally Posted by Droc
airsoft gun accuracy is really poor, and most knock-off airsoft products are very good quality.
I find AEG accuracy about as good as a real steal pistol, both for accuracy and effective range. I know for sure, the accuracy is far better than any paintball gun!. So anyway, in that way, a red dot site is perfect for AEG's I believe. I'm getting one for my TMAK47. I see "Crossman" ones at Canadian Tire for $20. Anyone get one of these? if so, do you get what you pay for... being so cheap? :salute:
Considering that a real pistol can shoot in the same hole at 25 meters, your statement is severely uninformed.
You do get what you pay for.
You really should read some more about this sport...
LOL.... hmmm... before you and your little buddy up there start flaming away like assholes, perhaps you should know who you are talking too. You claim my statement is "severely uninformed" (what are you- 20 years old? LOL!) I used to work for an Armoured Car company. I've shot many handguns. I've been in a REAL GUNFIGHT, but that's beside the point. I have a restricted and non-restricted P.A.L. and been through so much handgun training it's stupid. I can tell you, an AEG is very much the same as a handgun in >EFFECTIVE< range (find out what effective range means on your own, I don't feel like explaining it - a common 9mm pistol or .38 revolver has the effective range of...100ft - yes that's right), and accuracy - accuracy due to recoil, of which an AEG has none and a pistol has enough to make even a head shot at 30 feet almost impossible. Triple that under stress. Because of that, the accuracy is very similar. Don't believe me? Try to get a head shot on a human size target at 30 feet with a AEG and a real steal pistol. It will be easy with your Assault rifle AEG. Very very difficult with a pistol.
God you guys. You think because you are into Airsoft, you are some big bad-ass know-it-alls. Fuckin idiots. :zzz:
Max Hardcore rocks! :twisted:
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Old July 22nd, 2006, 23:12   #11
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HAHAHA. Maybe you should check Grey's credentials...there are a few of the members on this board that have been deployed, many of us have a decent amount of experience with real steel. Greylocks has a LIFETIME's worth.

"He resisted. I asked him to comply."
"Telling him to 'eat it, bitch' is not really a request."
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Old July 31st, 2006, 22:39   #12
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despite all that has been said. I still dont think greylocks could "shoot in the same hole at 25 meters" airsoft or not 8)
Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
you are going to die..

maybe not from this .. and probably not today... but I assure you, you will die
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Old July 31st, 2006, 22:41   #13
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Yeah , neir , you're a God and we suck.

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Old July 31st, 2006, 22:48   #14
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Really Neir? Tell you what, go to the RA Center in Ottawa. Look at the plaques on the wall and the records posted. Go to any range where folks do this often for that matter, maybe you'll learn something.

Shooting in the same hole at 25 yards is pretty much normal at that level, to the point that magnifying glasses are needed to differentiate the holes.

The rifle "10" ring is the size of a pin-head, and the caliber used is .22, so do the math.
The handgun version is the size of a dime. When the caliber used is .32, .38, or larger the same problem happens.

On a large caliber rifle, it is quite possible to shoot groups under one inch at 100 yards, or even better; groups where all the bullet holes touch each other or merge into a hole about 1.5 times the diameter of the caliber used.

Shooting in the same hole with an airsoft gun is a miracle, and I never claimed that.

So how about you practice for another 20 years or so, and tell me about what is possible? Because right now, I have more experience shooting real guns than you have breathing.
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Old August 1st, 2006, 00:09   #15
lol, so true. dissing the guy who prolly spends more time then anyone ata gun range about shooting. lolz

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