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handguard for My M4A1


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Old May 7th, 2006, 22:19   #1
Join Date: May 2006
Location: Dartmouth, nova scotia
My M4A1

Hi, I have a M4A1 and was wondering if the M4A1 6P Tactical Handguard made by G&P was a good idea. You could see this hand gard a under the accessories section.
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Old May 7th, 2006, 22:21   #2
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Originally Posted by wesley_mcrory
Hi, I have a M4A1 and was wondering if the M4A1 6P Tactical Handguard made by G&P was a good idea. You could see this hand gard a under the accessories section.
Was a good idea? That must mean you already bought it, and there would be no reason for this thread. If you're going to play when its dark, a flashlight would be a good idea, if not theres no real point in having one unless you really like the looks of it.
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Old May 7th, 2006, 22:23   #3
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Define a good idea.
It does look cool and fit well (I assume since I don't hear many complaints) but I have a real Surefire 6P on my M4 and I hardly ever use it. Unless your playing night games or just doing some CQB in some dark areas it just for show.

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Old May 7th, 2006, 22:23   #4
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IF you want a swat look then go for it.

People really cant tell you what to do or buy. It depends on what looks good to you.

Ive heard many people use this G&P unit and has not had a problem with it so far.
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Old May 7th, 2006, 22:36   #5
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Am I the only one who looks at newbie's profiles before answering a question?

New guy? Check the age-requirements for airsoft very carefully, then save your money for 3 more years. Start by also reading the Newbie Guide. It will save you tons of grief.

If you need to ask questions, find players in your area (Teams section is a good start) and go see them in person. They will explain all the laws to you.

PS, why are we a major magnet for folks under 16 lately?
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Old May 7th, 2006, 22:39   #6
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[QUOTE=Greylocks]Am I the only one who looks at newbie's profiles before answering a question?[QUOTE]

Yeah pretty much I think :P you're the man for this kind of thing 8)
I dont want to get into that but for most people , age isn't the first thing that comes through our mind. he asked something politely so I dont see why his age should be a problem

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Old May 8th, 2006, 06:59   #7
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It's a problem when he cant legally buy it or play with it. We then wind up contributing to a problem instead of providing information he should read and be aware of first.
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Old May 8th, 2006, 09:28   #8
yep, most newb posts are teh worst, and most attention should be paid to them.

right here, you have a kid who is asking for accessories for his M4. Hes 15 and already has an M4. Hot dam, some kid managed to totally side-step the age registration system that our community has made. Either that or one of our retailers has gone for money over responsibility...again.
Really, its just plain disrespectful. Someone ignored the rules of the community, then comes to the community for help...HA! "Screw your rules...but help me decide on accessories and upgrades."
Even worse is that someone sold a 15 year old a gun. Either that, or his mommy and daddy helped him buy it. Shame on the retailer. BLACKLIST I SAY!

Its a problem because its clear there is holes in the system. ASC has been around for along time, with members from all over, and its not like the community came up with the age verification process overnight. It is without question, in the best intrest of airsoft in canada and everyone who participates in it. Its a goddam slap in the face everytime a noobie comes here and asks about stuff for their new gun. WTF, how the hell did you get a gun? And its rarley parents doing the buying, most of the time, its a kid, sometimes as young as 15, even 12, who has bought a gun from a retailer or someone else. Its a conflict of intrest that doesnt seem to be taken seriously enough.

Im not against minors, I know minors(very few) who have proven to be responsible, and who have earned the trust of verified members and does the buying through them.

IMHO, if you dont want to fallow the rules of this community, walk your ass off this community site and ask your airsoft related questions somewhere else. Dont piss on the hand that feeds you...and then want help, or want to buy from them, or want to participate in their big games.
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