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KSC Glock slide refuses to strip


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Old April 3rd, 2006, 02:23   #1
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Toronto
KSC Glock slide refuses to strip

Problem: My KSC G26C's slide cannot be properlly removed. For some reason, the internal hammer doesn't stay far enough down, and the top of it just barely catches the slide on the way off:

Here's a 1.5 meg video of what's going on, and another 1 meg video of what I'm doing in the mean time to get around it:
Notice at the end of the second video, I can push the hammer even further... it's just not staying there...

I just installed an enhanced hammer spring (only took me 8 F*****N hours), and that didn't solve the problem, so I'm out of clues.

Any suggestions as to what to do to fix this problem?

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Old April 3rd, 2006, 05:34   #2
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could be two things that stick out of my head that are common problems.

- the screw inside the slide at the back is loose
- the sear that holds the hammer back is worn
- the hammer itself is worn to the point there is too much slack and the hammer sticks up

I had the same problem as you in one of my glocks... turns out it was the loose screw and a worn out hammer.

to take the slide off to work on your gun use a small nail or other thin/hard object to hold down teh hammer through the back of the slide while pushing the slide off. You may need a second pair of hands to help but you shoudl be able to do this yourself.
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Old April 3rd, 2006, 12:04   #3
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As you can see in the video, that's what I use my propane adaptor for, although I'm very gentle as to not break or bend the delicate brass tip.

I don't think it's the hammer or the sear being "worn out..."
They do both have slight wear marks on them (ie. black finish is gone), but there are no grooves or worn-down-flat-spots on either of them... I've barely shot 1000 rounds from this GBB.

I just tried to tighten the screw in the back more, but there's no way it's budging. Maybe on my aftermarket metal slide, the female threads that recieve this screw aren't long enough to accomidate the entire screw?

Blah, how do I fix this? :\ I mean I could always shave down the hammer (im thinking this may be unwise, as it may prevent proper functioning) or shave down the piece on the back of the slide that get's caught (not so unwise, IMO, but that could end up ruining the cosmetic appearance of the gun)...

I'd like to solve this problem the -right- way (if possible), so if anyone has anymore ideas, please let me know!

What good is having a replica Glock if it can't field strip as simply as they are supposed to... :smack:

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Old April 3rd, 2006, 18:53   #4
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The simple solution is to use an allen key or anything similar to press down on the hammer.

Many full auto Glocks experience this problem during assembly. My Glock 18C is no different, even with a stock hammer spring.

A good solution would be to look for any signs of wear in the hammer assembly which would allow for your hammer to be locked back fully and replace them.
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Old April 28th, 2006, 13:08   #5
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Sorry if this thread's old but I noticed there wasn't a final solution to this problem and I think I figured out why your Glock's slide won't strip. I own a Glock 18C and I had the exact same problem. I think you're just not sliding fast enough, what I did was basically pull back and then slide it forward really quickly and your slide should come right off. I don't know if this helps at all, but it worked for me.
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Old April 28th, 2006, 18:51   #6
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Hm... Interesting. I have to try this when I get home. My KSC G23F used to field strip fine but now I'm having the same problem.
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