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Will a krytac Spr mk2 Make a good DMR


Newbie Tank

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Old December 27th, 2017, 19:39   #1
Join Date: Dec 2017
Question Will a krytac Spr mk2 Make a good DMR

I'm just starting Airsoft and i want to buy a Solidly built,Long range gun. I've been searching for a while and I've found the Krytac mk2 SPR. From what I've heard it is one of the best out of the box AEGs, its solidly built and has is a good platform for upgrades. I would like to turn it into a DMR With small amounts of upgrades as i don't know much about upgrading guns. Is this a good option? If not, what are some other good options. i Would like for the gun to stay under 500$ CAD. Thanks.

Mk2 SPR:
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Old December 27th, 2017, 22:44   #2
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Here's your best bet for a DMR. First of all get age verified. Details are posted up in the stickies up top.

Then get vetted to run a DMR at your local field. Some places need you do take a course, others don't. No one wants to get hosed down by a new player with a hot gun. While you're going through that you'll also be able to get an idea if you need a DMR for local games and if that suits how you play.

And last watch the classifieds here for someone already selling a built gun. All of the improvements to an AEG to make it a DMR take hands on experience, it's not a case of changing a couple plug in parts. When you've had some time running one you can start building your own.
Airsoft, where nothing is hurt but feelings.
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Old December 28th, 2017, 12:48   #3
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
ThunderCactus's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2007
DMR's in airsoft are pretty redundant.
Firstly, check with your local fields to see if they have different DMR fps limits, although many fields don't recognize DMRs as their own category.

The reason is 2 sided; firstly, you've still got semi-auto, and a lot of places find people less willing to be a DMR who are just looking for the extra range just spam semi-auto. And the extra 30fps they allow you is useless. The majority of people with DMRs aren't running BBs heavy enough to take advantage of that anyway.

Second reason is the classification of DMR makes no sense from the technical aspect of airsoft. A P90, G&G ARP9, and MP5 can shoot just as accurately and just as far as any M16, SVD, SR25, or PSG-1 of the same muzzle energy.

All any gun really needs is good aftermarket compatibility, so VFC is a better bet for brand.
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Old January 3rd, 2018, 19:43   #4
Join Date: Jul 2013
Location: delta
Yes they do make for a good DMR.
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