misaligned internals on CA M24
tl;dr. Internal structure of my CA M24 is potentially offset, and there might be bb fragments in the cylinder.
So I bought this Classic Army M24 off of Toronto Airsoft a couple months back during the summer, aside from a trash hopup unit and messed up magazine, everything was working fine. I let a friend borrow it for a little bit and he managed to pull the bolt back and push it forward a couple times, feeding several bbs into the chamber and then firing it. After that, I noticed that the bolt could not be pushed all the way forward and then down like it used to, the bolt handle's tightening knob was always loose and the screw that fixed the knob to the spring/cylinder was always loose as well, even if I tightened it, and the magazine no longer fit in the well. I came to the conclusion that firing the gun with multiple bbs in the barrel caused the internal structure as a whole to be moved forward inside of the outer frame, because maybe the cylinder had some bb fragments stuck inside? I don't know, but if anyone is experienced with the internals of the M24, or how I could open up the cylinder to check for fragments and reset it, and all of its components, back to normal I'd be very appreciative.