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KJW GBB M4 - Busted Cylinder


Doctor's Corner

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Old September 20th, 2011, 22:40   #1
Join Date: Aug 2011
Unhappy KJW GBB M4 - Busted Cylinder

I was in the middle of a game last Sunday, when my M4 suddenly started spewing gas from the mag. After I ejected the mag and looked for a problem, I noticed some black pieces sliding around in the lower receiver. So I wandered over to my car, opened the rifle up, and pulled out the charging handle and everything attached to it. That's when I saw this:

Once I pulled the piston and cylinder apart slightly, I got a better idea of the damage. I also noticed some damage done to the piston ring, which you can see in the following picture:

Having only bought this thing from buyairsoft just over a month ago and only being in five 4-hour games (5th game was actually only about 2 hours, gun broke halfway through), naturally I'm pretty irked. I've tried contacting them, but never got a reply (tech request was sent on the same day it broke).

Now, I can find a replacement for the piston ring easily. It's the cylinder that is causing me grief, as after extensive Google searches I don't have any idea where to get an aftermarket version, let alone a stock replacement.

So if there is any GBB Gun Doc near Cold Lake, or if anyone can send me in the right direction, that would be great.
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Old September 21st, 2011, 13:49   #2
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Join Date: May 2008
Location: Edmonton, AB
I can get you the V2 complete replacement, send an email to

Founder of Capital Airsoft in Edmonton

Out of the Game 04/22/16
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