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Canadian DPM ( VERY LONG)



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Old January 19th, 2008, 00:50   #16
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Originally Posted by Blinky View Post
...and it brings a tear to my eye to think that it pretty much died with the Airborne Regiment.
... where the fuck is Huang?!?
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Old January 19th, 2008, 01:23   #17
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker View Post
I take it the biggest problem is your buying the Drop Zone Recce Smock in multicam, and the problem being it made your wallet cry, yet now you want to give it siblings in your closet?? Trust me, I'm the same.

Seriously, I've wanted the Airborne Regiment smock for quite a while (bought four Airborne shoulder flashes when I was in highschool, think I have one or two somewhere in the mess I call a basement) and after reading all this would still love to have one.

Sadly, a regular 'smock' upside the head is in order for us.
Yes.. well I have 3 brit DPM, one flectarn.. and yes... a DZ one on the way ( I hope ) this weekend.. but I am getting a plain od one.. so as to be more universal so I don't have to get any more (who am I kidding?)
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Old January 19th, 2008, 01:42   #18
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I still have an XL jump smock I grabbed when the airborne was still around. Simply awesome and definitely not for sale. I have a CDN DPM sniper jacket too. Very similar but it has some sort of gel in the shoulders and elbows. Similar pattern to the jump smock. I miss not having a supply tech roommate anymore.
Way back when I also had a set of Canadian "experimental" combats. They weren't DPM, they were a slightly different take on woodland than the Americans used. Kind of odd looking but a very similar cut to the regular OD and Cadpat combats. Oddly it did have a leg pocket for a mag like ACU does. Traded it away years ago like an idiot.
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Old January 19th, 2008, 01:46   #19
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by Ibby View Post
I still have an XL jump smock I grabbed when the airborne was still around. Simply awesome and definitely not for sale. .

foolish mortal... my minions will find you.. and your smock shall be mine!!!!

(sure you won't sell it? I've had 2 pms offering Large ones.. but I know they won't fit... )
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Old January 19th, 2008, 09:20   #20
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Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
(sure you won't sell it? I've had 2 pms offering Large ones.. but I know they won't fit... )
Positive. I'm thinking of putting it in a glass case next to my hockey jersey
I'll leave it to you in my will though...
"Anyone with a name like Amanishourbariki should give a few letters to the poor Ng family." - Snarfangel,
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Old October 14th, 2008, 01:06   #21
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Interesting thread, and one I will add my two cents too.

I remember the trial combats for sale at surplus store in the early 80's (not the late 70s at all). I actually purchased a jacket at what was a considerable cost as I was 14 at the time and the thing was like $25. Lots of people had them (I was in Army Cadets in Sudbury at the time). We all assumed they where a "trial" but now that I look back on it I realize that that was not the case. They where all brand new and no Reg Army person I knew had ever seen it. However it was an excellent uniform, same design and quality as the issue OD uniform, and in the DPM pattern that I always liked. The 50% cotton, 50% Nylon fabric is the same fabric they use today for CF Uniforms. I wore it in High School thinking I looked pretty cool. Other kids wore Iron Maiden T-Shirts. Chicks digged me, honest.

I also remember the DPM para Smocks. They are referred to as SSF Smocks. When I joined the SSF (Special Service Force, the Brigade in Petawawa at the time, now 2 Brigade) only Airborne troops where issued the Smock. It was a Parade Square item only. It was 100% nylon (fatal to wear in Petawawa in the summer) and was not ripstop. Also the snaps on the pockets where prone to fail. No one I know ever wore one in the field.

However when I was deployed to Somalia in 1993 I was "attached" to the Airborne Regiment and as such was issued a Smock. I was a Dragoon, a brand new Lieutenant and I had to cart it to Africa and never actually wore it. We turned them in half way through the tour. No one I know ever had anything good to say about them but they all strutted their stuff in them when they were outside Petawawa. It was a status item.

Also my Platoon Commander on Basic Training was Captain Hirter, the son of the LCol Hirter noted it the post by Pork Chop. Small Army!

Great thread. Brings back allot of repressed memories.

Last edited by Dragoon2912; October 14th, 2008 at 01:19..
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