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Old September 23rd, 2008, 16:06   #16
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Don't think I'm bashing these guns because they're clear. I regularly recommend the Kraken to people on a budget and want to get into airsoft, and moreso, to people looking for a good platform to upgrade to metal and wood. I'm probably one of the more vocal supporters of good-quality clearsoft on ASC.

My opinion on the MP5 is based more on the Aftermath Lycoan and many, many reviews I read on it when I was looking for an MP5. Its reviews were pretty dismal, with overall reliability and durability being serious points of concern. The Broxa is apparently better, but still not quite up to par with even cheaper non-clear Chinasoft. It's not a bad gun, but considering that you can get a black JG MP5 (non-railed) new for about $260 (what I paid for mine here on ASC) and have a reliable, durable gun out of the box, it makes clear guns like the Lycoan and Broxa not much of a deal at their price level.

And I'm actually taking a serious look at that clear Sig 552. I want a 552 for my collection, but just can't justify paying $500+ for a gun that will basically be a showpiece with the occasional plinking, and maybe the odd gaming here and there
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Old September 23rd, 2008, 17:05   #17
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Originally Posted by Crunchmeister View Post
And if you're not 18, then any airsoft gun you get will spontaneously implode in your hands, so you're best off not to get one.
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Old September 23rd, 2008, 17:18   #18
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Originally Posted by G.Sgt Marty View Post
Right On Multitech! It just seems some people put down Clearsoft cause they are so afraid that once that "Anti Airsoft Bill" is finaly past, that all they will be able to get for guns will only be Clearsoft in Canada. And they are so afraid that Clearsoft guns might be, or already are better then their "Ober upgraded and over priced" guns they own now! I own A Kraken AK47 and its great, and I also own a Swiss Arms Sig 552.....And they both came as half Clearsoft with alot of metal parts! Both rifles shoot awesome and both are TM friendly. With a good Camo paintjob and accessories on them, they look and work just as good as every other Airsoft gun out there.

Just dont judge a book by its cover, or ull find out that it might be better then what u have.
nah its only people without connections or are unverified will be stuck with clearsoft, the rest of us will still have nice guns
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Old September 23rd, 2008, 17:19   #19
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Originally Posted by multitech View Post
So have any of you guys putting down the Broxa actually used it, or is it just your amazing psychic powers that allow you to review a weapon without using it?
My fucking amazing psychic powers, of course. Why?

And considering it has a CYMA v2 mech box, its a good as the Kraken, and will fail just as easily as any other AEG with a v2 mech box.
Let me get this straight... since it has a version 2 mechbox, it's as good as a version 3 mechbox? Hmm, not sure how that one works.

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Old September 23rd, 2008, 19:55   #20
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Well i am on a tight budget and just want another gun to add to my arsenal of weapons. I don't mind clearsoft, but I guess it depends on what your using your gun for serious battles, backyard shooting, and of course hanging it on your wall..... thanks for giving me your input guys ill think it over.
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Old September 23rd, 2008, 19:57   #21
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Originally Posted by kalnaren View Post
My fucking amazing psychic powers, of course. Why?

Let me get this straight... since it has a version 2 mechbox, it's as good as a version 3 mechbox? Hmm, not sure how that one works.
Were the fuck do I state tha its as good as a v3 mechbox. This is exactly the assenine comments from the uninformed that make this place a less than desireable place to come too.
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Old September 23rd, 2008, 21:26   #22
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Originally Posted by pieman10123 View Post
Well i am on a tight budget and just want another gun to add to my arsenal of weapons. I don't mind clearsoft, but I guess it depends on what your using your gun for serious battles, backyard shooting, and of course hanging it on your wall..... thanks for giving me your input guys ill think it over.
Well, ive put over 10000 rounds through mine and have had no problems. I just chronoed it at 340-352 fps after all that ammo. I would definatley recomend it. I have pained mine all black, added an ICS fullstock and re-wired the battery to the rear, Classic Army SD front set and a couple hicap metal mags, its all good. The battery does suck though but w/e. All in all i may have just over $400 invested in the whole unit including mags batteries etc, and have no problem picking off peole with $1000+ weapons ad making them say Ouch instead of Hit, lol.

Good luck with your choice man!
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Old September 23rd, 2008, 21:38   #23
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Originally Posted by multitech View Post
Were the fuck do I state tha its as good as a v3 mechbox. This is exactly the assenine comments from the uninformed that make this place a less than desireable place to come too.
And considering it has a CYMA v2 mech box, its a good as the Kraken,
Last time I checked, the V3 mechbox was superior to the version 2 mechbox. Here you are saying "considering it has a CYMA version 2, it's as good as the kraken's version 3".

Maybe that isn't what you intended to say, but that's what you wrote.

Oh, and before you get even more hissy, my comment about my psychic powers was a joke.

"Someone in a Prius tried to race me at a stop sign the other day. I couldn't believe it. I had him for the first 100 feet or so but I can only walk so fast."
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Old September 24th, 2008, 00:54   #24
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I ment it was as good as the Kraken as a gun and that it would fail just as soon as any gun with a V2 mechbox.

It just pisses me off when people post about weapons they have no experiance with. If you've tried it you should have a valid review, if you haven't tried it you have an opinion. It seems that some people get those two mixed up, and think that their opinion is just as good as a review.

Sorry if I took you comments a little too much to heart.
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Old September 24th, 2008, 02:00   #25
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A V2 gun would most likely fail before a V3 gun, at least in the mechbox department.

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