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Old October 3rd, 2006, 18:59   #16
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Are you slow? I told you to read the Newbie Guide. It has information you need to know real fast because right now you are breaking pretty much all the rules in the book.

Inform yourself, you'll learn something, or stay ignorant and enjoy getting flamed.
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Old October 3rd, 2006, 19:01   #17
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I can't measure my sig so I got this stupid tag line instead.

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Old October 3rd, 2006, 19:04   #18
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Originally Posted by Beener
Originally Posted by Erik_james
Well look at it this way, you just registered here on ASC (probably today) no users here know you (most likely anyways) Your not age verified to buy airsoft guns (someone here needs to verify your age, via meeting them in person) and last but not least the airsoft community is a very tight community especially with everything that has been going on lately, with the laws. And the last thing we need is some nutcase going around dressed up in a SS uniform with a airsoft gun at a Halloween party. All the users here play on designated fields. and if someone does have a German uniform they would defiantly not be wearing it any ware off the airsoft field. Please choose something different for Halloween. There are far more better things you can be than that.

Buddy i came here asking for help looking for a site which sells them. I didn't ask if one of you guys could PERSONALLY sell me one. I'm new at this and figured you fellas knew more online retail websites than i.

How's having a reinactment in a field and going to a Halloween party much different? Either way you're dressed as a nazi, and btw I DONT LIEK NAZIS obviously.

Also, i fuckin get shot with airsoft all the time when im drinking, IT DOESNT HURT (well if its a shitty one like the gun i was looking for).

You're one rude SOB there, erique.

You other guys are cool though
The difference is there is less of a chance of a drunk stranger grabbing your side arm, running into the street and holding a kid up at gunpoint for his candy, only to be later arrested or shot by police. There is a BIG difference man.
Maybe you'll find someone else to help you. Maybe black mesa... THAT WAS A JOKE, ha ha, fat chance.

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Old October 3rd, 2006, 19:34   #19
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Originally Posted by Greylocks
Airsoft + alcohol = jail if you are lucky.
Sheesh, bite your tongue Grey!!!!

I see one guy I won't be age verifying any time soon.

Beener, why not just attempt to cut one out of wood. As far as I know, there are no airsoft Lugers out there, if there are they are fucking hard to find. If it's only to add to your costume, a solid wood one will cut back on the amount of shit you might encounter. I remember dressing up as a cowboy back in '94, for the Hallowe'en party at a local bar, I had my Crosman .357 pellet gun in my holster, and to make sure I wouldn't have any problems I had the circular mag removed and used a tie-wrap to prevent the gun from being removed from the holster. The bouncer checked it all out when I tried to get in, found it ok, I had zero problems all night. In this day and age, that shit ain't gonna be anywhere near the same.

So, best advice I can give you is to lighten up to the flamers on here, cut one out of wood and use it for now, and be satisfied that some people are looking out for your best interests, and the best interests of airsoft in Canada. If you keep the wooden Luger holstered all night, how cares what it's made out of, they will only see the butt end of it anyways. Besides, what happens if on the way to the party, you or others decide to stop off at a corner store for munchies or whatever, and you are seen inside the store with a holstered 'prop'? Some 'goth-like' dude last week was walking down Bank Street dressed in camo, had a belt of spent cartridges around his waist or over his shoulder, some fuckwit of a citizen freaked out and called the cops. Two tactical squads of RCMP officers showed up and surrounded the guy, Ottawa Police showed up as well. He was detained then later released. And that was all because he wore camo and had a harmless belt of bullets on him in plain view. Imagine a holstered pistol, even on Hallow'een.

Aside from the flames, understand we love this sport, and do what we have to to protect it. Unfortunately, a lot of people are stupid with airsoft guns, which will broadbrush the community, as well there are a number of crimes commited with airsoft guns, etc. etc. etc. Take all the info (even if I'm the only one you listen to, since I will give you the straight info without insult or bullshit), absorb it, and protect us, yourself and the future of airsoft. Ok? I don't want to hear on CFRA about some guy that got arrested by a SWAT team in Ottawa being taken into custody on Hallow'een because he was dressed as a Nazi and had a holstered pistol. Because of all the school shootings lately (four in as many weeks in North America), that is much more possible than you might think right now.
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Old October 3rd, 2006, 19:59   #20
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Originally Posted by Greylocks
Are you slow? Inform yourself, you'll learn something, or stay ignorant and enjoy getting flamed.

your my hero Greylocks
Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
If I had a buck everytime someone wanted to save a buck when it came to airsoft, I would have enough money to buy a really fancy bat I could hit them with everytime they asked something stupid
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Old October 3rd, 2006, 20:35   #21
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Hey, how many times did I tell him what to read? Exactly what to read? Politely no less? So far I have not seen much results.

I did not call him names, but I'm wondering if he's ignoring the advice on purpose or if he has a genuine problem.
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Old October 3rd, 2006, 20:37   #22
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You are not telling him what he wants to hear so he ignores you.
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Old October 9th, 2006, 14:44   #23
Hunter Killer
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Just buy a plastic toy luger at a doller store! gosh.........
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Old October 9th, 2006, 20:35   #24
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Originally Posted by Hunter Killer View Post
Just buy a plastic toy luger at a doller store! gosh.........
If it looks real, even from a distance, that suggestion of yours can still get him in jail.
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Old October 9th, 2006, 23:06   #25
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Originally Posted by Greylocks View Post
If it looks real, even from a distance, that suggestion of yours can still get him in jail. sure he can live without one right?
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Old October 10th, 2006, 06:51   #26
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There are places and times for gun props; special photo shoots, prepared events, some costume competitions at conventions.

Then there are times when a prop gun is a really stupid idea. I have trouble with people who cant see that simple common-sense.
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Old October 10th, 2006, 13:48   #27
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Originally Posted by Greylocks View Post
There are places and times for gun props; special photo shoots, prepared events, some costume competitions at conventions.

Then there are times when a prop gun is a really stupid idea. I have trouble with people who cant see that simple common-sense.
Sometimes all we can do is sit back and read your TRULY awsome and well thought out advice Greylocks........... please don't EVER stop posting it!!
Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
Like seriously dude. The incredible lack of common sense in the question could be scientifically investigated for evidence of a black hole.
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