Originally Posted by Rumpel Felt
Originally Posted by Aaidin
For a beginner I recommend TM. I started with a CA33E, sold it, moved to a TM G36C. I'm WAY more satisfied with the TM, but that's just my opinion. As far as the guns in general get a G36C they are awesome. Good all around usefulness and they look incredible.
You didn't like the MODEL. I'm sure you'd have been more satisfied with a CA G36C. I know I am.
Having read Arniesoft reviews, especially th comparision, I think I will be getting th CAG36C. I know a guy in Vancouver who can get me one in 4-8 weeks.
Since you own one Rumplefelt, did you take apart the gearbox to check on the lubrication. Any other precautions to take? Any weakpoints to be extra careful with?
I've been told that the CA's hopup is crappy, and that I should replace it with a TM hop-up ASAP...is this only true with past guns or this one as well?
What kind of performance do you get out of your CAg36C?
Just curious on how to most effectively wield it... :borg: