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Hi-cap reliability


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Old May 30th, 2006, 21:44   #1
Join Date: May 2006
Location: Calgary
Hi-cap reliability

I'm about to purchase a mag for my about-to-be-purchased M14, and I'm wondering about the reliability of high-capacity magazines.
Everything that I read says that the winding mechanism is less reliable than low and mid-caps. But can someone tell me what this actually means?

Do they jam every say 100 shots? 200 shots? And is it easy enough to unjam them in the middle of a skirmish?
Also I heard they break really easily as compared to spring-loaded mags. Is this true?

I'm gonna be firing in semi-auto most of the time, and the 160 mid-cap is more than sufficient, but the high-cap is just more bang for the buck.

Thanks for your help
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Old May 30th, 2006, 21:53   #2
Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: Moose Jaw, SK
They're pretty reliable. I haven't ever had a problem or jam with mine.

Midcaps seem to jam often and need a good hit to fix, that may just be the M4 mags though.

I would suggest lowcaps or midcaps over high caps any day though. If you care anything at all about being silent, the high cap will kill that with it's rattling.

Having to spend a couple minutes winding the highcap whenever it stops firing in the middle of a firefight is also quite a downer.
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Old May 30th, 2006, 22:09   #3
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I've hard some problems with my MP5 hicaps (I know, not related but they work the same way), one needed to be taken apart and have the gears lubed up (it was misfiring a lot), the other wouldn't feed the BBs to the top of the mag (turned out to be a single garin of sand lodged in between the teeth of one gear.) Just pointing that out for hicap maintaintance sake.
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Old May 31st, 2006, 07:14   #4
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Apart from the noise factor, I never had problems with hicaps. You just get used to winding it once in a while.
The noise is not that bad; someone running makes far more noise. The winding is not that loud either.
I'm talking about outdoor settings here.
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Old May 31st, 2006, 11:29   #5
Coma Black
I much prefer mid- or low- caps. Pretty much anything thats spring-fed.

The police and military have a rule called KISS: Keep It Simple, Stupid. In my opinion, a hi-cap has too many parts that it needs to operate. That means it has many more parts that can break at exactly the wrong time.
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