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KP 08 what am I doing wrong?


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Old October 13th, 2017, 13:12   #1
Join Date: Feb 2013
KP 08 what am I doing wrong?

Hey guys I've had a kp 08 by kjw for awhile now right away it's a blow back of course noobie me forgets to lubricate the mags and of course I ruined my first mag. Fast forward a month and i bought two more mags and the oil to boot. I drop three drops of oil like is recommend by all the big name youtubers.

Take it out today and 20 shots in mag dies. Re co2 and once again 20 shots dead, (My first mag lasted me 63), fine i put another in and listen sure enough it's leaking now didn't sound like it was leaking before. Kay fine move onto the second mag. Maybe 25 shots dead once again re co2 and even less. I listen this mags not leaking so wtf

At this point I have to ask am I doing something wrong? Do I have to lubricate more then just the inside? Is this gun just shitty? Am I getting unlucky with the mags?
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Old October 14th, 2017, 03:09   #2
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Probably a cracked/broken nozzle.

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Old October 14th, 2017, 15:44   #3
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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You really don't have to lubricate gas guns very much at all. I only lube my pistol every 4 months or so if I remember.
Probably cracked nozzle. There's enough power in CO2 to keep the gun shooting despite the huge gas leak, it's just going to lose a ton of efficiency.
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Old October 15th, 2017, 14:51   #4
Join Date: Feb 2013
Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
You really don't have to lubricate gas guns very much at all. I only lube my pistol every 4 months or so if I remember.
Probably cracked nozzle. There's enough power in CO2 to keep the gun shooting despite the huge gas leak, it's just going to lose a ton of efficiency.
My problem with that is these are brand brand new like from a shelf new mags there should be no cracks. No leaks. Worst fault is i can't seem to get a hold of the retailer to return it ordered from uppercanada tactical. Then again I wonder if this is an issue with the gun. Weird part is the mag that doesn't sound like it's leaking shoots about 20 to 25 shoots and then all of the co2 comes out the front of the gun on the 21st to 26th shoot. I know you dont need much lube or lots but ive always been told by friends that due to not knowing how long a mag could of been sitting on a shelf you should lube a few drops in it. I guess to shipping could of killed it but those mags where fairly well packaged. Maybe a different co2?
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Old October 15th, 2017, 23:45   #5
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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The air nozzle is in the pistol, not the mags.
If you have one brand new mag fail, that's luck of the draw.
If all 3 mags are having the exact same issue, chances are it's not the mags.

This is a non-specific example of the air nozzle in a GBB pistol. You'll have to first verify it's broken, then find a replacement. Or you can hand it off to a guntech to fix or try phoning the store you got it from and see if they'll do warranty work.
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