Originally Posted by Bar1975
I have a Prometheus 407mm inner barrel with a 4/5 cut cylinder...
My field limit is 400FPS so if i add an M120 id imagine my FPS is upwards of 410+ FPS.. (compression is fantastic on this gun right now)
How many teeth would i need to short stroke and what would the resulting Cylinder need be? How exactly do you 'revolume' a cylinder?
NOTE: i have a sorbo pad on the cylinder head as well so already loosing some air volume.
A good rule of thumb is roughly 1 tooth equals 10-20fps lost, try an m120 or m130 m120 minus 1 tooth and if that doesnt fix your issue move to an m130 with 1-2 teeth depending on which end of the fps loss scale your finding yourself on, because you have a such a long barrel id lean to you loosing closer to 10 fps per tooth