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What are some good AEG pistols/mini subs?


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Old March 4th, 2013, 12:31   #1
Join Date: Jan 2013
What are some good AEG pistols/mini subs?

I recently bought a gas blowback pistol in order to have a secondary weapon for CQB. What I learned was I don't like gas and would much prefer electric. I was told by a few airsofters that electric pistols suck. So I was wondering what are the best/smallest aegs that might work in the role of a one handed secondary?
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Old March 4th, 2013, 12:38   #2
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Ak-74 spetznaz, mp5 or even pistol M4.

Ak variants have a V3 mech box, so they are solid platforms.

But as it's usually said around here: Go to a CQB game, ask players if you can handle their weapon for a few seconds to get a feel for the platform, then check the different manufactureres of that platform.

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So you're saying we cannot engage in a hobby once we are older?

Children these days.
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Old March 4th, 2013, 12:39   #3
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MP7...but they can be fiddly. MP5K...which is not all that small. "Patriot" type setup M4...again, not all that small

Uzi...probably a bit hard to find now. There was a skorpion I think...

Not sure I'd say any of those are the "best" of anything (especially 1 handed as you've asked for)...more like a mish-mash of compromises.
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Old March 4th, 2013, 15:04   #4
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you can technically handle a real steel p90 one handed, but it looks kinda weird. The problem with electrics in that size is reliability, the gears tend to break and replacement parts are hard to find at times.

mpk5 is probably the smallest 1 hand-able aeg.

I think there's also a glock 18 aep as well as the tm mp7 aep.
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.
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Old March 4th, 2013, 15:48   #5
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AEPs aren't all that reliable from what I've heard, so I would suggest a small AEG like a MP5K (small in the loosest sense of the word) since you could easily one handed fire one and there are lots of aftermarket support for the model.
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Old March 4th, 2013, 15:50   #6
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TMP-9 would be a good choice also. It's smaller than a MP7. Not sure there are any AEG versions though.

I would personally go for tiny a M4 because of how easy it would be to get replacement internals. you also get the ability to swap mags with 90%+ f the players in the field.

For example, the G&G TR-16 C.R.W. wich is still 17 inches long but has the advantage of not having a buffer tube in the back like the M4 Patriot. you can also shave 2 inches by getting rid of the flash hider. At which point you're only an inch longer than the MP5k.
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Last edited by MonnoncMaxou; March 4th, 2013 at 15:58..
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