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In need of a gun doc in Montreal


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Old January 13th, 2013, 00:40   #1
Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: Montreal, QC
Exclamation In need of a gun doc in Montreal

I've messaged a couple of gun docs on the forums about helping me out with a V3 gearbox but have come up with no replies. I'm kind of getting desperate here as I've been trying to work on the gearbox for something like 2 months now to no avail.

It started with wanting/needing to install a downgrade spring into this CYMA AK gearbox. I was having trouble doing this, but when I did finally get the GB closed I found that one of my bushings had disappeared. After searching for it to no avail I had to buy a new set of bushings and some shims. I got a set of Modify 6mm bushings which did not fit, and then had to get Modify 7mm bearing bushings, which did fit. Just this evening I managed to put the gearbox together, with the downgrade spring and the bushings all in place. Now that it's together though it won't fire. I've been trying to test fire it to make sure everything's okay and it's not working. It fired once, but now it refuses to shoot. The spring is currently compressed in the GB and whenever I try to fire the gun I get a dull thudding as the motor tries to turn the gears but for some reason cannot. The motor actually started smoking slightly and the connection between the battery and gun got incredibly hot after only a couple trigger pulls :-?. For fear of compressing the spring I'm going to have to take the gearbox apart again .

Suffice to say I'm pretty demoralized at this point as I've only encountered obstacles all throughout this process. I just want someone to take the gearbox, all the upgrade parts I bought, look over it thoroughly and put it together. I will pay for any work that needs to be done as well as any necessary parts that may or may not need to be bought.

Someone please help me here this is getting ridiculous I know I'm underage (16) but hopefully this doesn't exempt me from being able to pay someone to take a look at my gearbox :/


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Old January 13th, 2013, 00:57   #2
Join Date: Jun 2012
Gun doc!

As-tu deamandé Ã* Yan lagacé de chez taktik airsoft?
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Old January 13th, 2013, 04:35   #3
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Trois-Rivières
Did you do a proper shimming job? This is very important, if the gears are too tight if will take extra load to turn. Plus, if for some reason the piston was not properly aligned it might jam in the gearbox shell too.

The smoke coming from the motor isn't nice either, the motor took a shot for sure.
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Old January 13th, 2013, 08:28   #4
Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: Montreal, QC
Originally Posted by audi_bhoy View Post
Did you do a proper shimming job? This is very important, if the gears are too tight if will take extra load to turn. Plus, if for some reason the piston was not properly aligned it might jam in the gearbox shell too.

The smoke coming from the motor isn't nice either, the motor took a shot for sure.
If I have time today I'm going to go over the shimming. It looks fine for the spur and sector gear. I think the main problem is the bevel gear. The 7mm Bearing bushings I put in the gearbox may need to be shimmed more/better before they work 100%. I say this becuase while the sector and spur gears both retained their original bearings (I replaced the spur gear's bearing just because but I used the shim it had had from on the stock bushing) I lost the bevel gear's bushing and shim so I had to reshim it myself.

Just getting the spring inside the gun has been a two man effort for me though so putting the GB together has been somewhat of a group process each time I've attempted it -_-. Keep in mind though this is my absolute first time having ever done any kind of internal work so literally everything is new and somewhat difficult for me unfortunately.

Also, I don't know why the motor was smoking. Obviously it's a concern but keep in mind I never used the GB once before opening it up to replace the spring. Maybe it's a dud but I suppose it's too late now anyway.
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Old January 13th, 2013, 12:09   #5
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Trois-Rivières
Proper shimming is necessary. Most of the times I do my shim job with almost nothing else in the gearbox, and I note how much shims I need on each side of the gears. Then I make a first check by putting the 3 gears in, and tightening the gearbox without other parts. If the gears run smoothly, and have minimal (but do have) side to side play, then I put everything back in and check the GB.
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Old January 13th, 2013, 18:16   #6
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Location: Montreal, QC
What could be going on with the motor though? I really hope it's not busted, that would be just another kick in the backside seeing as I've already had to dish out money for bushings, shims and spring -_-
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Old January 13th, 2013, 18:29   #7
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Location: Trois-Rivières
A motor is basically an electrical wire wrapped many many times around a center. If it smoked, chances are the electrical isolator on the wires are burnt, thus not isolating as much as they would. Depending on how bad it's burnt, the current going through will not create as much magnetic as it should, and the motor will lose strenght.

Kind of hard to explain in English, but main result is a lost in power at the end...
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Old January 13th, 2013, 18:39   #8
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I'll look it over if you want
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