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G&G M4/GR16 Low ROF


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Old March 25th, 2011, 17:26   #1
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G&G M4/GR16 Low ROF

My buddy just bought a G&G M4A1 and a metal receiver kit. I installed the receiver and put the gun together and tested it. The rate of fire seemed low, even with a 9.6v battery. Then I took the gun apart and checked the wiring and put it all back together again. Adjusted the motor height, but the ROF still seems low.

This is a brand new gun, so we didn't test it without the metal receiver. Is it possible that the ROF will increase as the gun becomes broken in?

The battery is a new 9.6v Tenergy nunchuck battery and is being charged by a Tenergy Universal Smart charger. I'm wondering if the battery is being fully charged. If I unplug the battery when the green light comes on and plug it back in, it will continue charging for another ten minutes or so before the green light comes back on again. If the battery is fully charged, would it not stop charging immediately after plugging it back in?

Thanks guys.
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Old March 25th, 2011, 19:13   #2
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ROF increase with more usage? No.

How can you say the ROF is low if you didn't shoot it before?

I strongly suggest you get a different/better battery. The tenergy ones are so-so and those chargers are at best so-so. It's very much a guessing game as to how well/not well those things will work.

See for better batteries and chargers.

A large cell battery will increase your ROF
A better motor will increase your ROF
A weaker spring will increase your ROF
A lower ratio (high speed) gear set will increase your ROF
A higher voltage battery will increase your ROF
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Old March 25th, 2011, 20:30   #3
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It's actually a SOCOM Gear M4 PWS Diablo. Everything except the PWS handguard is made by G&G. I also just realized that the gun is shooting about 360fps with .20g BBs with a 170mm barrel. That's less than half the length of a normal M4 barrel, so it's no surprise that it's shooting a bit slower. It's probably the spring.
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Old March 26th, 2011, 02:09   #4
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ok first off - ur using a 9.6 mini on a stock g&g. I'm staggered by the perpetuality and popularity of mini batteries - if ur gonna go for such a high load application then mini cells are not gonna cut it. maybe for a stock TM sure but they shoot about 280 FPS at best due to japanese restrictions which means way less force needed to pull the spring and that is FACT. mini batteries were never designed to be used on high FPS guns and IMHO reguardless of how good ur gun works on one, it's nothing in comparison to a half-way decent large type or LiPo. Ur best bet bud with that diablo fontend setup if u don't want ur gun to look stupid is to get rid of ur crane stock (because it's really limiting ur battery capacity unless u go LiPo and thats a whole other bag of dead cats) and get something like the 416d stubby stock from G&P. they even have a specific 9.6v large type 3300 mAh battery that will fit in there and I guarantee u that ur ROF will increase along with trigger response and battery life.

best advice I can give u is swallow ur vanity and just use a decent battery storage option even if it don't look as "Tacticool" as an extendable stock
"Creator of the Zombat Sniper - oh yeah baby"
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Old March 26th, 2011, 03:20   #5
attention whore wants a custom title.
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Thanks for the suggestion. I'll let him know.
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