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Old November 30th, 2010, 13:55   #1
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Mech Boxes

Hey everyone, I'm not by any means a newbie to airsoft, but I am a newbie to really understanding the internals of the rifles. I apprenticed in high school under a carpenter and I now work part time in a metalworking shop because I feel it's important to be able to fabricate ones own things.

I have been inspired by candyman to finally build my own sniper rifle and I need some advice about mech boxes and where I can buy just a mech box with the potential for 550 fps. I appreciate the help, I understand the workings of AEGs and I own several but I want to buy a new full mech box with which to build a sniper rifle. It can be a semi auto box, the power and durability is my greatest concern.

Yes I have used google but i don't have enough understanding to know the differences between all these mech boxes. Cheers
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Old November 30th, 2010, 14:07   #2
Shell Shock
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imo snipers and AEGs' dont mix. too loud

BAs' are much more suited (because they are made for that role) as a rifle

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Old November 30th, 2010, 14:11   #3
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my main issue with a bolt action is that i don't want to have to pull against a bolt against a powerful enough spring to shoot that kind of fps effectively. I have been thinking about adapting my paintball gun vice intimidators air internals for the use of HPA since i think (and don't quote me) it is more consistent than green gas
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Old November 30th, 2010, 14:19   #4
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Not to mention that the rifle should be locked to semi only since a full auto burst from a hot rifle is not cool even if you're at the Minimum Engagement Distance.

Starting with a TM VSR is always a good start but the other one is the M700 (I believe it's the Tanaka M700 you want).

If you're in Philly TheWarStore in NY isn't that far. Looks like all their spring sniper rifles are out of stock but I'm sure it's just they're items that don't move fast and are special order: They CA they have seems like a pretty good bet, get nothing else.

Otherwise the SystemA PTW might be a pretty good "sniper rifle" if you could lock it to semi (I guess via MOSFET) and put in a Red or Gold Cylinder (500 and 430 FPS respectively? They correspond to an M150 and M130 IIRC).

PS: No doubt that HPA is more consistent than greengas. That's actually the reasoning being Classic Airsoft being better than GBBR's (not only that but they also use regular AEG mags, no cooldown, and such).
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Old November 30th, 2010, 14:31   #5
aka coachster
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My BA that was detuned to a 500fps (with .2's) spring is not heavy to pull at all. The spring that was previously in it wasn't all that hard to pull neither and it was over 517fps on .36's!

A BA will be the most consistent over an AEG and gas (even HPA)

locking an AEG to semi isn't that difficult though as it's just a matter of modding the selector plate to prevent full auto. simple mod that can be done with a box cutter.
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Old November 30th, 2010, 14:33   #6
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I will be using candyman's plans to build a WA2000 but instead of using a pistol inside of the rifle I plan to use either a gearbox or some kind of gas system fitted for the rifle. the WA2000 is semi automatic which is why I do not want to use a bolt action spring style not to mention that i dont want to have to pull on a bolt with a heavy spring resistance

EDIT:517 without a hard pull? did you use teflon grease? and yes I know that the BA is most consistent but I am hoping to get it consistent enough. also I wont have a selector switch on the outside of the rifle that turns any farther than safe and semi

what would be recommended for the longest barrel length? I know the WA 2000 is a certain size but since I'm already going to make the rifle I can put a pretty sizable silencer on the end to have a longer inner barrel

Last edited by Guerrilla; November 30th, 2010 at 14:38..
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Old November 30th, 2010, 14:59   #7
aka coachster
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well 517 with .36 is easily scratching if not above 600fps with .2's...
but it was not a hard pull. current pull with the 500fps on .2's is like butter. regular maintenance and super lube is all that goes into it. maybe you need to grow some muscles?

instead of preventing the selector switch from rotating to auto, it's much easier to mod the selector plate so that it never shoots full auto. basically, it's positions would be safe, semi, semi.
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Old November 30th, 2010, 15:42   #8
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Originally Posted by coachster View Post
well 517 with .36 is easily scratching if not above 600fps with .2's...
but it was not a hard pull. current pull with the 500fps on .2's is like butter. regular maintenance and super lube is all that goes into it. maybe you need to grow some muscles?

instead of preventing the selector switch from rotating to auto, it's much easier to mod the selector plate so that it never shoots full auto. basically, it's positions would be safe, semi, semi.
517 on 0.36's is actually almost 700fps with a 0.20!

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Old November 30th, 2010, 16:00   #9
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Careful Coach, isn't 517 with .36's getting awfully close to the magic "735 FPS"? (ie. 5J AND >500 FPS) :wink:.
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Old November 30th, 2010, 16:21   #10
aka coachster
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yes but with that spring it shot beautifully but it's also not in the rifle anymore!

edit: it's also shooting great with the Laylax PSS2 150sp spring. Just need to now convert the fixed hopup with the Laylax hopup unit I recently bought...

edit: went through my notes and it was actually 450fps with .36's which is still scratching 600fps with .2's

Last edited by coach; November 30th, 2010 at 16:52..
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