September 27th, 2010, 13:24
Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: Cornwall, Ontario,
Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker
Seeing as how you are in Cornwall, means you'll more than likely be attending Ottawa/Petawawa/Quebec games, and that pretty much means you'll have to have sub-450fps as a velocity (regardless of the certification level, even I have to abide by this, but I have only been running my BA at just under 400fps.....that's 0.36g coming out at 300fps) and find it works much better than it was at 500fps for a few years (also gives me a much lower MED, I'll shoot guys at 60ft if I can tag a pouch or something), and sniper clinic isn't necessary (is more for new players to learn techniques and safety). Sounds like you have plenty of experience under your belt, all you need now is just to get a rifle and get out to games with it.
I say, just get out and do it.
Thanks for the heads up! I think I'm going to go for it after seeing what everyone has commented. Oh, and I understand it's late in the season right now but are there usually more games in the Ottawa/Petawawa/Quebec area? (question mstly directed to those who play in that region.)