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Where do i buy co2 m4 mags?



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Old August 3rd, 2010, 14:18   #16
a.k.a. Palucol
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Originally Posted by Thanh View Post
when I get them, they were lubed and working, but after 1 game they started leaking. How much do you need to lube them? I spray silicone in the valves etc, and it still leaks. Am I suppose to dunk it in a pool full of lube?

Anyway, this is not a debate on whether I should stick with green gas mags or not. I'm simply asking where to buy co2 mags. If you dont want to help me on that, then please stop posting.
indeed, you should disassemble your mag, and soak the orings in lube... or replace them....

But I'm just warning you, Airsoft isnt ready for CO2 yet.... the build material/parts/design are too cheap/weak to withstand the high pressure of that gas... even though you have a NPAS and full metal gun....
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Old August 3rd, 2010, 14:35   #17
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Originally Posted by Thanh View Post
when I get them, they were lubed and working, but after 1 game they started leaking. How much do you need to lube them? I spray silicone in the valves etc, and it still leaks. Am I suppose to dunk it in a pool full of lube?

Anyway, this is not a debate on whether I should stick with green gas mags or not. I'm simply asking where to buy co2 mags. If you dont want to help me on that, then please stop posting.
People are trying to give you sound advice.
Being a smartass and knocking on someone whos trying to help you out is not the way to go buddy.

If you think you know better, then why bother posting.
The information you need has ALREADY been posted.
We've already spoon fed you enough dispite the fact that there are dozens of threads already made on this boards, and even on google.

As for propane maintainance (lubing orings etc), it has been discussed to DEATH on the boards. Your inability to maintain your magazines, is not an excuse to go off on gunny.

Show some respect to those that try to help you, or we wont help you at all.

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Old August 4th, 2010, 12:11   #18
AKA Tsquared
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Sorry for the other day, I was in a bad mood. I didn't mean to show any dis-respect. I appreciate the fact that you guys are helping me out and letting me know known issues with co2 in mags.

I'm not saying I know any better, but I'm saying I'm still interested in a co2 mag. I'm one of those people that like to learn from my own experience, not from others. Yes it might be more expensive route, but I don't care it will make you know the gun more.

Knowing everything I know now, I am still 100% interested in buying a WA co2 "prototype" mag.

Does anyone here know where to get one in the GTA??

BTW I will not be gaming with co2 mag right now. I just want it for my own usage.

Last edited by Thanh; August 4th, 2010 at 12:13..
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Old August 4th, 2010, 12:17   #19
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by Thanh View Post
Sorry for the other day, I was in a bad mood. I didn't mean to show any dis-respect. I appreciate the fact that you guys are helping me out and letting me know known issues with co2 in mags.

I'm not saying I know any better, but I'm saying I'm still interested in a co2 mag. I'm one of those people that like to learn from my own experience, not from others. Yes it might be more expensive route, but I don't care it will make you know the gun more.

Knowing everything I know now, I am still 100% interested in buying a WA co2 "prototype" mag.

Does anyone here know where to get one in the GTA??

BTW I will not be gaming with co2 mag right now. I just want it for my own usage.
I call BS on that... with the sheer volume of "please spoon-feed me" threads you have splattered around here you don't seem to be a "figure it out myself" kind of guy
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