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"Noobs" hosting games



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Old October 5th, 2009, 00:26   #46
Rock 'N' Roll Outlaw
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I wonder how hes gonna do that while playing...

Good to see cbcsteve step up to the plate and put his reputation on the line for this as well as everyone who plays airsoft in the GTA to this exceptional venue.

For those who have not, I suggest you take a gander at the game thread itself and see the goings on there.
My trust is in whiskey, in weed and in Slayer, its GODDAMN ELECTRIC - Pantera

Originally Posted by Pliskin View Post
This is the equivalent to knocking on deaths door and blowing his head off with a shotgun.
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Old October 5th, 2009, 01:32   #47
Official Crybaby Chairsofter
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Originally Posted by KoolAidMan View Post
Too many people feel the need to flame instead of giving advice.
Thats the way it is on ASC. Just get your stuff ready, i see cbsteve can co-host, go for it mate and good luck
Originally Posted by Mr.Shiney View Post
Yes it is hard to find an Instructor that teaches how to Finger, Suck, Squeeze and Blow all at the same time.
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Old October 5th, 2009, 04:28   #48
Jayne Finch
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i view myself as a relative noob to hosting but thus far have had no real issues at any of my games. i like to think that past experience i have has helped make my games run smoothly.
i always make it a point to make sure i listen to the veterans and i rarely take the chance to play. only if the game has been running smoothly for a while do i ever kit up. i also make sure i am not the only marshal on the field during games.
for me hosting is about making sure everyone attending my games has a good time. thats why i do it. its not for me. its for them.
also since all of the games i have hosted have been on my property i feel like i have more at stake if a game goes bad. thats why i take game safety very seriously. i understand things happen and accidents occur but minimizing that is what i try to do.
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Old October 5th, 2009, 10:29   #49
Official ASC "Dumb Ass"
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Originally Posted by coachster View Post
I have noticed that it also pulls noobs out of the woodwork who no one knows or seen be at the field. apparently a noob host gives noob players a sense of security that they can finally crawl out of their hole and play a game, instead of starting at a game with lots of vets and experienced players who will spend the time to answer questions and help a new player out.

It seems that they are scared to play some of the bigger games with well known figures in this community.
yep, they're thinking "oh man its not gonna be all strict like when that m103598743575 guy does his games there" and BAM! you have a bunch of idiots running around playing 6mm paintball and ignoring the safety rules.

also, unkown randoms bother me both on the field and in the staging area, they:

1. usually don't call their hits, or they call others out for them
2. usually run hi-caps and spray everywhere
3. have no concept of MED's
4. usually have no safety in the safe zones
5. usually come in jeans and a hoody or some other inappropriate attire
6. don't listen to the rules regarding respawns, or how/where to exit the field so as not to fuck up the game for the remaining players
7. talk too much during the game
8. I don't like leaving my shit in the staging area with a bunch of ppl I don't know, especially when the other ASC people there don't know them, something goes missing and everyone gets pissed

To KoolAidMan:

The "trapdoor issue" is not an issue at all, there happens to be a hole in the floor for accessing a ladder to the ground floor, not knowing that the hole is there or not watching where you are stepping is dangerous, make sure others are aware of this. Don't say that you are going down to CQB to "make sure the trapdoor issue has been addressed" there is nothing to be addressed but to let ppl know to watch their step, which they should already be doing anyway.

Also, how many games have you been to apart from the one Defcon game?

Last edited by pusangani; October 5th, 2009 at 10:37..
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Old October 5th, 2009, 10:50   #50
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I took the following from the actual game thread...some edits for here.

Originally Posted by KoolAidMan View Post
No i'm still going to host just to show all these people that a "NOOB" Can host
Originally Posted by KoolAidMan View Post
This is the reason why i decide to host at cqb no one has been willing to host a game this month at cqb so i decide to step up to the plate......
I am not against a "noob" hosting a game. There's a valid perception that someone without a lot of practical airsoft field play will not be as conscious/aware of what it takes (good and bad) to run a safe game (oh...and yeah, players should have fun too!!!)....but there's a lot of level headed people out there who deserve the chance. Approach it properly...and it'll be for the better of the community. It is EXTREMELY helpful to have some senior guys attending/helping. You're asking them to give up their evening/game to help you...and if approached nicely, you'll probably find a few that don't mind at all.

I strongly suggest you approach hosting an event with 100% of your efforts/attention towards overwatching the players and game (especially for the first few events). Forget even strapping on a gun or gearing up. Much like yourself, I started to host events there because I wanted to play at a cool venue....but once things started off, I found that I spent more time setting things up and keeping the game flow going than actually playing. And I had 4-8 senior guys helping me run each event!! And the player base was 80-90% senior guys!! I purposely stacked the deck in my favour to ensure they were going to at least not be a failure.

It is pointless to walk people through the area pointing out hazards....there are too many. The best way to approach that issue is to clearly make it known at the pre-game briefing that there are falling/tripping/head-banging hazards. Each player that steps onto the playing area...assumes that risk and is OBLIGATED to take whatever precautions they feel are nescessary to protect themselves. That includes dressing appropriately, wearing protective gear and going at a safe pace.

That's not just for CQB...that's for any venue. Dummies will find a way to hurt themselves regardless of where they are. I make it a point to run around every field and trip/bang into every obstacle...(or maybe it's just that I'm clumsy ).

Originally Posted by Some Dummy View Post
let me host then, i dont give a flying fuck about my reputation xD
Guys who take such a cavalier approach to things are where issues come from. Guys who are going to go "guys&guns gone wild" should be banned from any event where the safety of others and the reputation of the group is at stake.

Don't mistake me...this is a physical sport and guys are going to get hurt. But don't stack the deck against yourself by having a player roster full of dummies.

Take a look at Dividay's first game. "Private game, senior/vet guys only" flew out of control when dummies crawled out of the woodwork and showed up randomly. He didn't put it foot down and the day was trashed, his rep for hosting games ruined and there's about a 0.001% chance that many "senior/vet" guys will ever bother going to one of his events again.

The perception that someone's on-line conduct doesn't necessarily reflect their in-person conduct is bullsh*t. If the person cannot conduct themselves rationally (consistently rational...everyone is allowed to vent/rant once in a while ) when simply typing on the Internet....then what chance do they stand of acting appropriately with a weapon in their hand?!?!

Last edited by m102404; October 5th, 2009 at 10:54..
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Old October 5th, 2009, 14:09   #51
Con Murder
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Wow, with all this info maybe I could host? LOL no no. A tight and small community here, we just skirmish but soon the events will start flowing as I keep pushing!
Con Murder
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