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$100-200 AEG for casual play


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Old September 17th, 2009, 23:26   #16
Join Date: Sep 2009
Ouch. Wasn't expecting to get told off that hard haha. Yes I am under age and I'm not going to say I'm that mature but i just find airsoft to be really cool. I've played paintball but it's not quite the same and I did have a Bass Pro gun hahahahaha. I had an H&K USP which broke shortly after and i just want something fun to shoot and accurate for a target. I did want to play some games but I never really thought about playing having an age restriction which I learned it does, so that's out.
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Old September 17th, 2009, 23:27   #17
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Darn, I missed it by that much.
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Simultaneous climax makes me warm and fuzzy all over
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Old September 17th, 2009, 23:28   #18
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Originally Posted by noobiedoobie View Post
Ouch. Wasn't expecting to get told off that hard haha. Yes I am under age and I'm not going to say I'm that mature but i just find airsoft to be really cool. I've played paintball but it's not quite the same and I did have a Bass Pro gun hahahahaha. I had an H&K USP which broke shortly after and i just want something fun to shoot and accurate for a target. I did want to play some games but I never really thought about playing having an age restriction which I learned it does, so that's out.
Just wait until you are old enough to play, having a gun and not being to play is a recipe for trouble, don't try to get a gun if you are underaged, you will get no support for it here.
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Old September 17th, 2009, 23:31   #19
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Alright thanks for your (sort of) help.
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Old September 18th, 2009, 00:39   #20
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At least you're honest about it (well it came out eventually) and didn't lie at all. I mean some kids totally lie and try to circumvent the systems that have been set in place, some just don't leave specific details and eventually say they're underage, and some are totally honest and straight up say they're underage and are willing to wait.

Best advice I can give you is to save, save, save. Do you *really* need that new ipod/new cellphone/new sneakers/etc.? Instead of spending money when you get it in your hands put some into a savings account, put some into a college fund, and spend some on fun things. That's a great system. 10-15% into a savings account right off the bat, rest split it up between college fund and entertainment and you're golden and will have learnt a valuable life lesson and won't be in debt forever. Trust me on this one especially the 10% "rainy day savings account". It's saved me more than once and one of the reasons why I haven't had to take out student loans.
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Old September 18th, 2009, 02:12   #21
Con Murder
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L473ncy is totally right, your probably what 15 maybe 16 and that gives you plenty of time to research and stock up gear. I got a guitar at 14 and cheaped out ($500) that was something I regretted and saved more and more. I'm not age verified and got my gun at a store, overpriced and over the counter. Now like $300 later it shoots like I want it cuz these guys here pointed me in a direction.

Thats all they are doing here, a bit blunt but still just pointing you in a direction. Its sad that its 18+ but then again if it weren't it would have been banned by now (just think of your friends at school with them) so its keeping airsoft safe until you get here and join the crew. Take time and enjoy your youth cuz as much fun as airsoft sounds, its much better when you have to work long hours all week and just get a few hours of shooting in.
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Old September 18th, 2009, 02:31   #22
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Originally Posted by Con Murder View Post
L473ncy is totally right, your probably what 15 maybe 16 and that gives you plenty of time to research and stock up gear. I got a guitar at 14 and cheaped out ($500) that was something I regretted and saved more and more. I'm not age verified and got my gun at a store, overpriced and over the counter. Now like $300 later it shoots like I want it cuz these guys here pointed me in a direction.

Thats all they are doing here, a bit blunt but still just pointing you in a direction. Its sad that its 18+ but then again if it weren't it would have been banned by now (just think of your friends at school with them) so its keeping airsoft safe until you get here and join the crew. Take time and enjoy your youth cuz as much fun as airsoft sounds, its much better when you have to work long hours all week and just get a few hours of shooting in.

Im 16 and i wish i was a few years younger when life was simple now. i have to work my ass off to get ready for university,study hard wile working of course. Save that 200$ just save it. I spent so much money on crap thats not related to airsoft. if i didn't buy all that "CRAP" then i would be in about 4k. imagine what you can do with 4k in airsoft even 800$!. so if you truley love this sport then save up your mesos
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Old September 18th, 2009, 03:02   #23
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Originally Posted by NoGear View Post
Im 16 and i wish i was a few years younger when life was simple now. i have to work my ass off to get ready for university,study hard wile working of course. Save that 200$ just save it. I spent so much money on crap thats not related to airsoft. if i didn't buy all that "CRAP" then i would be in about 4k. imagine what you can do with 4k in airsoft even 800$!. so if you truley love this sport then save up your mesos
Ahhh I'm so ashamed to get that reference.
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Old September 18th, 2009, 04:30   #24
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Originally Posted by Amos View Post
Ahhh I'm so ashamed to get that reference.
Dont feel to bad your not the only one lol.
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Old September 18th, 2009, 12:37   #25
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I'm old enough to play, have the money to spend, and I'm still waiting for airsoft just because it's so much effort to get into the sport in Canada. I play paintball even though it's way more expensive than airsoft just cause it's so much easier than airsoft and I can go to the local paintball field and play any week-end I want.

In reality airsoft is MUCH cheaper than paintball, especially in the long run. You can get a bad-ass airsoft gun for $500 with battery/ magazine.

A paintball gun will cost you at least $200 for an entry level marker (but more like $400 - $800 for a good one), $50 - $150 for a hopper, $50 - $300 for CO2 / or Air tank. After than Paint is $60 for a case of (2000), Airsoft bbs are like $40 for 10k.

If you have the luxury of a good airsoft group around you, save up for it and play it, if you don't you're kinda SOL, and if you can't afford $3-400 for a gun, how are you expecting to make it to bigger scenario games?
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Old September 18th, 2009, 19:20   #26
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L473NCY, I just read over what you wrote and that's the thing, I can't think of something I want more because this is for a birthday present.
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Old September 18th, 2009, 19:30   #27
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Originally Posted by Amos View Post
Ahhh I'm so ashamed to get that reference.
Mesos as from MS?

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Old September 18th, 2009, 19:34   #28
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Hahaha, so funny to see that reference. And even more funny seeing people that have played. As i am too, a victim.
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Is there a Cansoft Banhammer with a clear plastic shaft? And will it be compatible with full metal/wood Banhammers?

Originally Posted by Aquamarine View Post
I'm a sniper.

Because I'm fat and can't run fast.
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Old September 18th, 2009, 20:16   #29
Geoffrey B.
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Hey man,
What people on ASC told me before.
Browse the fourms,gather information and save for a decent gun. Me being 14 I have a while to wait ( all the more time to save money).
I play with a group of people from Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia with my MP-5 Aftermath Broxa. I love playing the sport because I love it!!
I don't play paintball etheir because I find it dosnt capture the realisim and the teamwork.

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