Thanks again for your help. I'm impressed with the numerous valuable answers I'm getting. You guys rock!
I've decided, for now, to pretty much stick with the clearsofts until the time comes when the kids are older and we can get more serious about this. Not to worry, they won't let this go.
It will not replace hockey, but I can easily see this become their #2 sport, especially in the summer. They'll have to get jobs though.
I'm glad you posted, MillerBro, you've given us reassurances that our guns are gonna be fine in our context, understanding at the same time that they're cheap and we get what we pay for.
A friend of my son just brought his shotgun back and went with the R72 as well. I'll probably get myself that one too. That should do it for a while as we're not ready to get broken fingers (!) and my boys are too young to be accepted at venues.
Best regards.