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Recrutement drive on campus



View Poll Results: Should I go forward with this idea?
Yes 153 45.27%
No 185 54.73%
Voters: 338. You may not vote on this poll

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Old September 8th, 2005, 22:53   #46
Snake Eyes
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Originally Posted by jamesjost
I'm gonna have to say no. If it ain't broke don't fix it. As things are right now, the people coming into the sport are more or less filtered. The last thing we need is a big publicity bonanza and some idiot with too much money in his wallet thinking it would be cool to run around campus with a beretta.
HAHA! o god,, so true, lol!

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Old September 20th, 2005, 06:18   #47
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Originally Posted by GiordanoWC

I'm down for the private meeting amongst individuals of high character, but let's not turn away others because they're simply "left wing" or "pro love"

left wing doesn't necessarily equate to anti-airsoft or anti-gun, we just stand for the responsible use and acquisition of said items.

my vote is yes in respect to the private invitation-only information session.
I agree in principal with this comment, and with the information session. I'm a new player, and would consider myself left in my views. A lot of my friends sort of raised an eye brow when I mentioned I had purchased fully auto gun clones that shot BB's for mass cash, until they shot them and had fun. I think the most common question everyone I've talked to has is: Is this legal? I wonder if police would care to attend or make their comment at such a meeting as you've suggested. We aren't subversive, perhaps legitimizing this sport in the eyes of the authorities and general public will cement its future and distinguish the responsible clubs from the dolts that buy dime store glocks and tuck them in their pants and stroll down malls trying to impress thier low-life cohorts.
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Old September 20th, 2005, 15:57   #48
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Shot down! Lock the thread please, I'll try something else at another time.

Thanks for all your replies!
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Old September 25th, 2005, 05:44   #49
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Originally Posted by Bob the Angry Potato
We need more players...
I always see this as the reason why idea's like this crop up from time to time like the public has an obligation to be exposed to our sport/community. Sorry - Joe Public isn't welcome in my kitchen, and certainly not in my community.

It's bullshit - we do nothing/very little to try and ensure we KEEP the existing players around - it's always this whining that we need more players. No - we don't. We need to keep the existing one's keen with being a part of things, and wanting to hang around instead of populating the buy and sell - something that seems to be getting the most traffic in the sport. Fancy that?
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Old September 25th, 2005, 23:03   #50
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...and a I said, since the idea has been turned down by the community, it won't happen. I thought this had been locked... oh well! :wink:
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Old September 26th, 2005, 01:33   #51
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No need to lock it, it hasn't turned into a flame fest.

And while the community doesn't wish Airsoft 101 to be taught at your campus, I don't see why you can't have a club. Many universities have shooting clubs, and if you ran it like that there shouldn't be a problem. Low key and not in peoples faces.
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Old October 3rd, 2005, 17:21   #52
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I have a few thoughts on this matter and I voted yes.

From what I have read from everyones reponses that have said no. You guys have pretty much said that you don't want irresponsible people to handle airsoft guns or even participate in this activity. Also, some people refered that if "airsoft" wasn't underground and was common like paintball you would get alot of 12 year olds running around just like paintballers.

I personally feel that if you set certain expectations about airsoft. Only the responsible and interested ones will participate in airsoft. The reason why I said this is because if you set the expectations that any dishonest or irresponsible person that comes out to an event will not be tolerated and will probably not ever be invited back. If they are irresponsible they will probably not drop 1g on an aeg and equipment to come out and act like a dink then not be invited back. Yes, someone may buy an aeg then go act like an outside of the airsoft community, however this action doesnt reflect on the airsoft community just on the fact that if you give an irresponsible person the power to injure or seriously harm someone it will probably happen. That is why so many people die from drunk drivers, however you dont see everyone banned from driving an automobile.
I think we should educate people about airsoft, set the expectations high and accept no less and let them decide whether or not it is for them. I think an info session would be great to do this.
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Old October 3rd, 2005, 17:48   #53
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JordanR, I have to agree with you. I am new to the site and sport. But I can see parrallels with the real steel community too. Yes, you have filter out trouble makers in the hopes of avoiding potential issues. But ppl do need to keep an open mind about attracting new players. If someone wants to be a prick and do something stupid, they will. No forum or banning will help that. You can't police everybody.

That said, I do believe there's a better place than a CEGEP to hold these events. I like the idea of information sessions, but schools are usually jumpy with anything to do with guns.

My 2 cents.

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Old October 12th, 2005, 09:50   #54
I voted yes
because I enjoy new people and I dont assume that everyone out there is trouble.

I say go for it

and it would give me more people to shoot....always a shortage of those.
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