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Trigger Master MOSFETs


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Old April 24th, 2008, 00:29   #16
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Originally Posted by dodger_me View Post
since its timed. in theory wouldnt it be off time when your battery starts to run low?
The MOSFET? No, it gently vibrates the motor after each shot when the battery gets low. After the battery reaches a certain point, the motor just won't turn over, so as not to strain the battery.
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Old April 24th, 2008, 01:16   #17
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Originally Posted by Splashx View Post
There are some posibilities to use the push-pin in the mag that follows the last bb. When the Mag is in empty position (even if 2 bb's aren't in the hop-up), this plastic pin is in contact with the top of the inner mag container. If we add "+ / -" contact in the mag weel and on the top of the mag, then the push-pin when empty will connect those 2 electrodes that send and info to the MicroCPU "hey, stop firing, no bb's left!" But we do need the do the mods on each of our mags.

I just opened a mag 1 hour ago and began some drawings. it's just theorical, but logicly doable. I'm not particulary good explaining, but I'll test it in the next days (without MicroCPU). Programming is not my strengh.

If I can, I'll take some pictures of the work.
Easier way would be to have reed contacts inside the feed nozzle of the hop-up. When a BB is inside the nozzle, contacts close and gun can fire. No BB means open contacts and gun is shut out from firing. You just need to make sure you use mags that feed fully, and not leave 2 or 3 BBs in the nozzle.

Or you can try installing the contacts as low as possible in the nozzle to make sure they miss those last couple of BBs.
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Old April 24th, 2008, 02:57   #18
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Originally Posted by dodger_me View Post
since its timed. in theory wouldnt it be off time when your battery starts to run low?
the sw-computer automatically adjusts as the voltage drops.
so the gun will fire slower as the battery gets weaker but you will still get 3 rounds out.
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Old April 28th, 2008, 16:00   #19
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Or I may have another idea, simpler but a little less precise.
For example, I have G3 lows that house 60 rounds eactly each (we can costum modify inside the mag to change the capacity of BBs). the 2 BBs left in the hop-up don't change anything.
If we can say to the Chip
COUNT 60 rounds fired (cycles) and THEN stop firing
THEN reset IF cocking slide have been engaged (with a micro-switch).

so everytime we empty a mag (60 rnds as example), we can virtualy re-engage chip to fire again...

is it a doable idea?
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Old April 28th, 2008, 16:05   #20
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Really shitty if you do tactical reloads.
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Old April 28th, 2008, 16:10   #21
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we can always recock (reset) even if we shot 30bbs over 60
even if in reality we don't recock if a shell is in chamber
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Old April 28th, 2008, 17:38   #22
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A related idea is to find space inside an AEG's magwell (like, at the top) for a switch which is engaged when a magazine is inserted.

The computer could detect magazine eject/insert. So --- just as an example --- if you had a semi-only gun you could make it stop shooting and require a mag change every 30 shots. (Even though your magazine still has BBs in it, the computer treats it as "empty" after 30 shots).

As a side bonus, it could also use the same switch to prevent firing unless a magazine is inserted.
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Old May 4th, 2008, 19:51   #23
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I recently received the Trigger Master and installed it. I'm totally amaze by the ease of modifying options in advanced mode, quite a nice idea! Thanks DonP. + feedback left

I have 1 question, i read carefully your tutorial and the tutorial in your turorial about coding the Attiny85 with the USB isp programmer. I saw an image on wiring all the connections of the micro-controller but I don't know where to connect the VCC of the USG programmer and do we have to attach a 4.7k resistor on the RESET pin of the ATtiny85? Or it's a Pin to pin connection?

Last edited by Splashx; May 4th, 2008 at 20:05..
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Old May 5th, 2008, 16:57   #24
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I made the virtual 30-round mag mod I mused about!

Couple things though:

1. The gun will always fire a burst (if you're at 2 rounds left, and you shoot a burst, you'll still shoot a 3 round burst even though you technically only have 2 "rounds" left in the mag.)

2. Why? Cutting off a burst in mid-burst was just too much work to bother programming for this quick mod.

3. Rounds fired in fullauto is estimated. It's pretty accurate, but not perfect. It's "good enough" (see #2 above )

4. The switch is one that just happens to be big enough to trigger when a mag is inserted. I was really lucky I had one in my junk box. I don't have a specific part number or anything, sorry.

5. Tactical reloads work! (Mag change "resets" to 30 rounds)

6. Gun will not fire without a mag inserted.

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Splashx: Regarding the programming, see your PM about the same question.
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