November 16th, 2008, 06:30
OffWorld Manufacturing Inc. M2019 - user review
From Arnie's Airsoft:
Delmustator has sent in a review of the Off World Manufacturing Model 2019 Blaster replica that you can find for sale on the internet (seen back in 2006 in our news pages). Click the link through to read the full article:
OffWorld Manufacturing Inc.
MODEL 2019 B.R.U. “Hero Version”
User Review by Delmustator
Today, we are reviewing the OffWorld Manufacturing, Inc., Model 2019 Blade Runner Unit (B.R.U.) 10mm prop blaster. The pictures used in this review are from the actual OffWorld Manufacturing, Inc. eBay auction due to their high quality. However, this review is based on an actual hands-on unit purchased from OffWorld Manufacturing, Inc.
I received the M2019 from OffWorld Mfg after waiting over a month for delivery. OffWorld Manufacturing, Inc. indicated in their eBay auction that this was the last run of these prop blasters. We will see if this ends up being the case.
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