Originally Posted by Wilson
I hate the prices up here, as there's no logical reason for them to be so bloody high, years after the retailers' "startup fees" have been paid off.
Dude, it was already explained a few times, namely that thread that is now in the trash, and in a few hundred other threads.
What do you expect, they are rare, nearly illegal items from the other side of the world.
Customs, brokerages, shipping, licensing....and profit. Look up some of the threads about how many retailers were operating 3 years ago and why there is only 1-2 now. Look up the raids, legal action and intercepted shipment.
When retailers are dropping like flies, and you have no competition, prices go up. Im looking at one retailers an the prices have gone up $50-$100 on some products, others have stayed the same.
You have been registered here alot longer then I have, and I have spent as much time as I can reading back through threads seeing hat has happened. Airsoft is a very different game now compared to 10 years ago.
Airsoft is like anything else, someone has to make some money. They don't do it to "better " he community, this isn't a hippy drum circle, they do it to make money, just like everyone else in the world.
Its high prices, and it sucks, but its not unfair. Thats just the way it is. Toys that look and feel like automatic assault weapons in a society that ridicules weapons.
Order a big screen LCD TV from Japan and watch how the prices skyrockets with importing fees, customs, shipping, brokerages, etc....then be glad you dont have to deal with all the costly issues surrounding guns.
Hell, Ikea charges $283 to ship a $170 desk 20min down the road.