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Which metal slide would you reccomend for KWC Glock?


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Old February 27th, 2006, 17:31   #1
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Winnipeg, Manitoba
Which metal slide would you reccomend for KWC Glock?

I have a KWC Glock 19 HW. I still have the plastic slide and I'd like to upgrade to a metal one. However, the only slides I see available for these on the Canadian retailers like DE, Rangers, M1 airsoft are the really shiny black ones with white writing and I really don't like the look of those at all.

I was looking on the WGC shop website at the G&G metal slide for this GBB. It looks pretty nice, has full trademarks and a more dull shade to the metal like a real Gock. Is this a quality slide/barrel set?

But overall, if I wanted to get one of these is there any way to purchase one? If you order just a slide/barrel is that going to be seized by customs?

Thanks for your help
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Old February 27th, 2006, 17:38   #2
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As a quick response, I don't know for certain on the slide, but I've seen a number of different G&G bodies and they all seem to be good quality, both aesthetically and functionally. I would assume that will translate to their GBB slides as well, but someone with a little more experience with them might want to back that up or disprove it.

A slide with full trades will probably get siezed, your best bet, check on the boards, there're a few guys that do orders to WGC properly, just ask them to tack that on, should be no problems, and then you don't have to worry as much about it getting siezed.
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