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Repair G&G UMG Low Cap Magazine


How To

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Old March 4th, 2012, 01:48   #1
The Viking
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Join Date: Sep 2011
Location: Varennes, Quebec, Canada
Repair G&G UMG Low Cap Magazine

I recently had a fight with one of my mags... And I won! Getting it apart is not hard, it's putting it back together that was a challenge.

Now that I've figured it out, it takes approximately 5 minutes to get it opened up, fixed, and back together again. Here's my first "how to", hope this helps someone in our fine community:

1- Remove pin

2- Remove mag from shell

4- Put elastics on the mag to prevent a spring explosion (I learned this the hard way) and remove the 6 small screws that hold it together.

5- Hold the mag tight and remove the elastics. Gently let it separate. Hold the top so that the small plastic piece that pushes on the bb's doesen't fly away.

6- Once it's open find the problem and fix it. During a game I tried to force to many bb's into the mag and tada! Bad bb.

7- Time to put it back together. Put the end pin thingy into one end of the spring.

8- Lay the spring in place and hold.

9- Place other half of mag and hold.

10- Put elastics.

11- Push back the pin and start inserting the rest of the spring into the mag. I'm using my right hand to take each picture, so don't think I'm somehow pushing it in with my left hand only... 2 hands!

12- Slowly but surely

13- Bit by bit.

By bit.

By bit.

14- Until it's finally time to add the bb pusher thingy. Place it on the spring.

15- Separate the mag just enough to push it in. Be gentle or the spring will pop out and you'll have to start all over


Put the 6 screws back, remove the elastics, slide the mag back into its shell, put the pin back and mission accomplished.
These mags claim that they can contain 50 rounds... Bullshit! I've never been able to squeeze more than 30-40 max.

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